单独 have a direct drive arrangement and low-profile design that allows wheel mounting for a movable configuration. 的 preferred method of installation is to mount the unit on rails with a non-rigid connection between the feed and discharge chutes. 因为驱动器是连接到主机的大小, the entire unit can be rolled out from the feed stream to facilitate maintenance.

单独 are typically used in applications where the material being crushed has natural fracture plains and lends itself to compression crushing rather than attrition crushing or impact crushing. 煤炭, 盐 and 磷酸s are very common applications where 单独 are specified. 的y are also very well-suited to crushing applications where the product is found in high 粘土 bands and requires liberation from the 粘土 as well as size reduction.

对于需要4:1比例的应用程序,建议使用尺寸计. 然而, 由于低调和相对较小的足迹, 这些大小器通常是嵌套的,以便在单个流中交付多个阶段.


单独 use an electric motor to drive the gear reducer, which is mounted directly to the roll shaft. 的 motor and reducer are protected via a fluid coupling fitted with a thermal element and underspeed sensors to eliminate the risk of shock loads or stall events transferring through to the drive components. 的 crushing rolls can be rotated either inward or outward at slow speed and high torque, 如何最大限度地减少滑动和罚款的产生. Slow-speed 单独 are selected for the specific material and lump size to be crushed. Tooth profile selection allows the material to be grabbed and pulled into the crushing zone for maximum efficiency.

单独 rotating inward utilize hydraulically adjustable roll shafts to ensure the product gaps between rolls are maintained. Outward rotating 单独 utilize adjustable crushing combs to account for wear and keep the crushing setting to specification. 在每台机器上, 粉碎辊配有易于更换的部分, 哪一个允许更快的更换和更短的停机时间. Intermeshing combs ensure removal of contaminants such as 粘土s that can build up on other types of crushers.

菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全提供了许多不同的卷筒设计, tooth configurations and material selections that are engineered to maximize a sizer’s efficiency and wear life and to minimize the cost of ownership.


菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 is the world’s most experienced manufacturer of 双辊破碎机s and our 单独 operate around the globe. 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 单独 are designed and manufactured to be more efficient and deliver a better total cost of ownership through the life of the equipment. 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全为我们的设备寿命和使用标准提供支持, 现成的马达, 变速箱和联轴器.

All segments and sizing combs in the 单独 are designed to be interchangeable throughout the machine. Unique to 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 主要的 and 二次单独 is the hydraulic product size adjustment, 如果菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全尺寸要求发生变化,这给了生产商更多的灵活性.



筛选器 tooth wear can be checked by measuring tooth height from the base of the tooth and comparing this with the as supplied tooth height. A tooth profile template can also be used to compare a worn tooth profile with the original tooth profile. Hardface welding can be used to build up or maintain the tooth profile on some types of sizer teeth. 磨损的牙齿会迅速降低磨粒机的吞吐量. 随着牙齿高度的降低,磨损的牙齿也会加速磨损, 所以监测和 保持你的牙齿大小.

进料流入浆料机的过程 must be controlled to produce an even distribution along the full length of the rolls and to maintain an even feed split between the rolls. This ensures even wear of both rolls and even wear along the length of each roll and, 反过来, maximizes the life of the consumable wear parts and the throughput capacity of the sizer.

减速器轴密封通常是用油脂清洗过的, 带有油脂乳头和油脂排气孔的双唇密封. 的re is one input shaft seal and two output shaft seals, which should be greased once per week. Grease quantity should be sufficient to purge all used grease from the seal via the grease vent.

筛选器 gear reducers are fitted with a sample valve on the oil drain port to allow regular samples to be taken for oil analysis. 换齿轮减速器油时, the top inspection cover should be removed and the internals should be visually inspected for wear, 损坏或碎片. 换油时也应更换干燥剂过滤器/呼吸器, or sooner if the desiccant beads indicate moisture saturation sooner (typically by turning red). Refill the gear reducer with the specified oil grade up to the fill level indicated on the sight glass. Note that the indicated oil level may increase or reduce when the drive is operating, 但只有在驱动器静止时才能检查油位. Remember that the gearbox is at maximum life when the correct oil grade is used and cleanliness is maintained.

更换磨损的浆纱机段, remove the threaded plug from the segment body and screw in the lifting eyebolt. 拆卸每个分段六角头固定螺栓. 使用链块垂直提升分段.

特性 & 好处
  • 低轧辊速度确保最小的灰尘和细粉的产生
  • 直接机械传动
  • Compact design with right angle gear reducers and smaller footprint allow for installation in low-headroom areas
  • Product setting adjustability to make up for wear or change in product size requirements
  • 可互换的段和大小梳整个机器
  • Rail-mounted to be rolled out from the feed stream to facilitate maintenance or tramp removal
  • A variety of roll designs and tooth configurations are available based on a customer’s application needs
  • 驱动系统可从全球公认的原始设备制造商


我们的客户服务团队随时为您服务. We can ship you parts, send field service technicians to your site and answer any questions you have. 无论你需要什么,我们都会为你服务.